
Showing posts from June, 2023

5 Ways You Can Contribute to Your Swim Team the Best Way

I've been a swimmer my whole life, and I still love the feeling of jumping into the pool and swimming laps. But sometimes it can be hard to fit in as an older swimmer--especially if you're not on a team that competes against other teams. So here are some ways through which you can help your Los Gatos swim team : 1.        Make a lot of noise when you're in the pool, so everyone can hear you Make a lot of noise when you're in the pool, so everyone can hear you. If you aren't sure if your coach can hear you, ask them. It's important that they know where all their swimmers are so they can give direction, advice, and encouragement if needed. If the whole team is making noise then it will be easier for them to do this job! 2.        Don't let anyone get in your way when you're swimming The best way to contribute to your team is by being a good swimmer. When you're in the water, don't let anyone get in your way. Don't swim in front